Dementia Screening Through Speech Analysis on Mobile App
Singapore is an aged society and is set to be “super-aged” in 2026. This means that 21% of the population are 65 years and above. In a recent study conducted in Singapore, 72% had some form of cognitive impairment. The number of young onset dementia is also on the rise in Singapore. This underscores the critical need for early detection and intervention.
However, existing screening tools for dementia have limitations. Their ability to identify Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), an early stage of dementia, is limited. Additionally, these tools require specialized instructors for test administration and scoring, which can be inconvenient for seniors who must visit a facility for screening.
This innovative app merges mobile technology with artificial intelligence to address these challenges. It outperforms the MMSE (mini-mental state examination), the most widely used dementia screening test, in identifying both Alzheimer’s disease and MCI. Furthermore, the AI-based automatic scoring system provides test results within one minute, eliminating the need for specially trained instructors. This feature makes the app accessible anywhere, including at home.
By enhancing the accuracy, accessibility, and usability of dementia screening, the app aims to facilitate equitable access to essential healthcare resources and contribute to the well-being of individuals and communities.