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TechInnovation showcases hundreds of the latest technologies and innovations in 'Sustainable Urban Living' from partners in Singapore and beyond. This event features a unique blend of content-rich conferences, exhibitions, and business networking over three days, and attendees can explore urban solutions, agriculture and food, and health and wellness, all underpinned by themes of innovation, artificial intelligence, digitalisation, and sustainability.

Enterprises interested in these technology offers can register at to meet these technology providers and arrange 1-1 business meetings.

Functional Instant Noodles Fortified with Shrimp Shells
This technology aims to tackle the food waste problem in the Thai agricultural sector. Shrimp shell was selected since it constituted a large portion of all crustacean shell waste. Many tons of shrimp shells are discarded daily. However, they contain high amounts of protein, calcium, and umami compounds. Thus, they can be used to fortify food products.  Currently, the instant noodle market still has a limited number of healthy options. Therefore, there is a significant market opportunity to develop a low sodium and high protein instant noodle product.
Reconfigurable Workspace Soft Gripper
The Reconfigurable Workspace Soft Gripper (RWSG) is a bio-inspired, pneumatically actuated, shape morphing soft robotic gripper that is capable of rapid reconfigurability. It features passive retractable nails, bi-directional foldable petals, and a flexible palm to adapt to various grasping and manipulation tasks and requirements. The ability to rapidly reconfigure allows the RWSG to grasp a wide range of large, thin, hard, delicate, and deformable objects. These capabilities make the RWSG a uniquely advantageous tool for high mix low volume manipulation and packing scenarios such as food assembly, packaging of groceries, and packing of consumer electronics. 
Automated Blood Smear and Staining Device for Medical Laboratories
The analysis of patient’s blood, known as a Complete Blood Count (CBC), involves measuring the quantity and quality of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets consists of two main steps – (i) an automated machine-based examination to assess various blood cell values and (ii) a microscopic examination of blood cell morphology using stained blood smears and microscopy. The current manual method is highly dependent on laboratory personnel to manually prepare blood smears and process the samples, introducing human error and subjectivity over the over the quantity of staining reagent used for each patient. In addition, continuous exporsure to chemical compound of staining reagents can affect the health of laboratory staff. Conversely, the use of fully-automated machines available in the market, use larger quantities of stains and reagents and this may not be effective for the daily sample volume that is typically processed in smaller hospitals or diagnostic laboratories leading to increased laboratory expenses. This technology is of an automated blood smear staining machine which offers precision control over every step of the sample process. Employing a closed system, with multiple independent channels, this devices offers a solution suitable to smaller hospitals and laboratories which see lower patient test volumes.
Long-Lasting Disinfectant
Disinfectants are chemicals that kill or inactivate harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Commonly used to disinfect surfaces and objects that are frequently touched, disinfectants are an important tool for preventing the spread of infectious diseases and reducing the risk of transmission. The technology on offer is a long-lasting active compound that serves as a disinfectant. Comprising of nanocomposites and polycondensates, the disinfecting active compound exhibits high efficacy against a broad spectrum of microorganisms including bacteria and viruses. Due to the controlled release effect of active species, the disinfectant’s efficacy can last at least 3 months by accumulation of the active species on the surface of microorganisms and denaturing of the microorganisms’ proteins. This technology is safe and non-toxic to humans and pets, making it applicable for a wide variety of products. The technology owner is interested in joint R&D/co-development projects with partners keen to integrate this technology for new products/applications.
A Novel Malaria Vaccine Candidate Targeting Plasmodium vivax
Malaria continues to be a significant challenge for public health, causing more than 200 million cases and approximately 500,000 deaths annually. In Southeast Asia and Oceania, the primary cause of malaria is the Plasmodium vivax parasite, which  is transmitted through mosquitoes and infects red blood cells. Malaria arising from P.vivax transmission is responsible for 42% of all cases of outside Africa. To reduce the burden of this disease, it is crucial to have new tools that can effectively suppress its transmission.  This technology is of a novel vaccine candidate that demonstrates a higher level of efficacy in halting the transmission of P. vivax which unlike its previous counterparts, exhibits enhanced durability making it well-suited for eliciting community protection.
Intuitive and Durable Capacitive Force Sensing Technology
Force sensing is used in a wide variety of applications and one of the primary methods of detection is the use of capacitance sensors. These sensor systems are based on parallel plate and MEMS technology. The force is detected by the shift in capacitance value. This response is nonlinear with respect to the load range and leads to a mismatch between the perception of the human operator and the actual output level. The systems are also difficult to scale due to higher cost of MEMS for larger sized sensors. The technology developed enables accurate detection of volume changes even in low load range by employing micro-pillars (micro-protrusions) which are just tens of microns in dimension. These micron structures are formed in a conductive rubber using an original microfabrication technology. These capacitive sensors have a high linearity with respect to the load and provide a more intuitive operation where human perception matches the output characteristics. The sensitivity characteristics – linearity, load range, and capacitive response to load, can be tuned to suit the application by adjusting the design of the micropillars. Since the change in capacitance is governed by the deformation behaviour of the conductive rubber, this technology is also robust and has a high durability and lifespan.
Next-Gen Flood Detection with Environmental Location Intelligence
In an era where environmental challenges are escalating, the need for precise and timely flood monitoring has never been more critical. Addressing this pressing issue is a state-of-the-art flood detection system that offers unparalleled accuracy in water level detection, down to the centimetre, and in real-time. Designed to resist environmental disturbances, this technology ensures consistent and reliable performance. Its self-sufficiency is highlighted by its connectivity via mobile networks and an ultra-efficient power system, which includes a solar panel ensuring sustained operation even in less-than-ideal sunlight conditions. The primary beneficiaries of this technology are government agencies and enterprises involved in environmental infrastructure projects. Additionally, businesses facing environmental challenges and seeking robust solutions will find this invention invaluable. By providing instant alerts on potential flood threats and integrating seamlessly with third-party management systems, this technology addresses a significant gap in the marketplace, ensuring safety, reducing potential damages, and saving lives.
Physical Climate Risk Analytics
This technology delivers physical climate risk analytics for any asset or portfolio. It combines climate hazard with consequence models, offering richer insights than typical climate risk screening tools. Outputs detail financial repercussions from damages, projected downtime, portfolio risk correlation, increased climate-induced risks, and various other actionable risk metrics. The technology has global coverage, uses high-resolution input data (30x30m), validated computations, and proper uncertainty quantification. Models integrate climate dynamics, providing these same risk metrics for future climate. Stochastic event simulations underpin all the models, which uniquely enables the computation of climate risk correlation across portfolios.
Cloud-Based Image Platform for Drone Pilot
Traditionally, drone image processing has been associated with the need for high-end hardware, licensed software, and a deep understanding of photogrammetry. These requirements have often limited the broader utilization of drone-captured images. This technology empowers drone pilots by enabling them to process their images effortlessly on a cloud-based platform, resulting in the creation of map models that are ready for in-depth analysis. The cloud platform seamlessly handles all the hardware and software aspects, simplifying the previously intricate processing steps into user-friendly procedures. The solution serves to a wide range of users, from beginners who can generate maps with just a few clicks to experts who can conduct advanced analysis without having to switch to other software tools. Furthermore, the technology offers seamless integration with a company's existing information system, ensuring data security and customization to align with the company's workflow.