Innovation Landscape in Singapore
Limited only by the imagination, the level and speed of innovation in Southeast Asia’s tech ecosystem will continue to accelerate. Bill Padfield is an Innovation Advisor with IPI Singapore’s Innovation Advisors Programme, which is tailored to help enterprises quicken their learning curve in tech and innovation to drive business growth. Bill has been involved in the tech and business development...
Riding the Wave of Modern Aquaculture
Regional challenges and opportunities for technological innovation in sustainable fish farming were brought to light at IPI’s Sustainable Aquaculture Water Management Roundtable as experts discussed Singapore’s emerging water treatment and monitoring solutions.   In recent years, an increasing share of seafood is being farmed rather than caught. Impressively, producing over half of the world’s supply, the Asia-Pacific region is the...
Igniting Innovation—An Interview with Richard Eu of Eu Yan Sang International
In a rapid transition from traditional medical halls to numerous international outlets and an online store, embracing innovation has catapulted Eu Yan Sang into a household name in traditional Chinese medicine. Dried plant roots, bitter herbal remedies and fine acupuncture needles might sound unappealing to some, but they remain highly sought-after hallmarks of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Practiced for centuries—tracing...
Nuts & Bolts – Data-driven Decisions for Industry Advancements
Harnessing data for industry operations In today’s world where data is considered the new oil, digital technology has fuelled the disruption of a variety of sectors. While media and telecommunications were some of the first to reap the benefits of digitalisation, manufacturing is poised to transform with the advent of data-driven innovations. Dubbed “Industry 4.0”, efforts to enhance the efficiency...
The Rise of Digital Therapeutics
Transforming healthcare through digital innovation Diagnosis and treatment are increasingly delivered by innovative apps and devices as digitalisation and personalisation take centre stage in modern healthcare. The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped many aspects of the present, particularly the healthcare sector. As restrictions imposed by authorities during the pandemic limited the physical movement of patients seeking health-related resources, the adoption of...
Understand, Innovate, Implement
Expert advice for tailor-made innovations Over five decades of innovation and commercialisation experience has equipped IPI Innovation Advisor Dr Loh Wah Sing with the tools to help SMEs in accessing new target markets.   Apple, Facebook, Razer and more—numerous well-known companies started out as SMEs and gained access to international markets by addressing consumers’ ever-changing needs. While international expansion remains...