Delicious Disruption—Trends in Food Innovation
Spicing up the F&B industry with technology  If you thought whipping up a good meal was just about putting food over a fire, think again. Blockchain, AI and 3D printing are some of the latest trends in food innovation.    Few things in this world unite people as much as food. Different cultures create different cuisines to be consumed by...
Bridging Minds and Building Networks
Beating disruption at TechInnovation 2018  Whether you are a business owner looking to stay ahead of the curve of an inventor with the next big thing, meet your match at TechInnovation 2018   Amid a business landscape rife with disruption, enterprise owners cannot afford to rest on their laurels. While a product, service or business model may be viable in...
Getting Smart about Intellectual Property
Know which IP strategy works for you  Ideas and inventions can have immense commercial value, but not all intellectual property (IP) are alike. Find out which type of IP is most suitable for you.      When someone trespasses on private property, the owner of the property calls the police, and the trespasser is fined or sent to jail for...
To Innovate, Why Not Collaborate
Tips for collaborative innovation  Collaboration is one of the flagship strategies of open innovation for business growth   More than 15 years ago, American organisational theorist Professor Henry Chesbrough noticed a shift away from the old paradigm of siloed research and development (R&D) towards a different model of innovation that was more borderless and fluid. He coined the term ‘open innovation’...
A Shout-out to the Crowd
Unlocking the power of crowdsourcing  Accessing new ideas and innovations at lower cost is possible with crowdsourcing. Tap on IPI's Online Marketplace to reach the right crowd.      It’s been said that “two heads are better than one” and “many hands make light work”. These phrases allude to the power of crowdsourcing—a combination of the words ‘crowd’ and ‘outsourcing’—whereby...
Igniting Innovation: Phyllis Ong of Armstrong Industrial
How a local SME is still going strong after 45 years   Focus on building creative, capable and adaptable teams to reap the benefits of open innovation, says Phyllis Ong of Armstong Industrial Corporation Limited.     Imagination and ambition put the first man, Neil Armstrong, on the moon. Singapore-based Armstrong Industrial Corporation Limited (Armstrong Industrial) was founded in 1974 with...