Innovating for a Cybersecure Singapore
Balancing Security with Usability At TechInnovation 2020, members of the Singapore Cybersecurity Consortium shared their new technologies with an eager online audience comprising investors, technical experts and the public. SARS-CoV-2 wasn’t the only virus to besiege our world this year. As people stayed home and remote working became the new normal, digital viruses proliferated too. Ransomware attacks alone increased 40...
Kickstarting the Search for Sustainable Solutions
Innovators with sustainable solutions will have the opportunity to be awarded up to S$1 million in supporting grants by taking part in this year’s Sustainability Open Innovation Challenge. Just last year, India and Pakistan saw heatwaves hot enough to melt the tarmac on roads and experienced monsoon-triggered floods that displaced millions. As a whole, Asia is expected to be hit...
Riding the New Wave of Wastewater Treatment Technologies
The flood of industrial wastewater generated in recent decades has led to new and improved wastewater treatment technologies. Download our white papers to find out more. There are few resources more fundamental to humanity than the one that makes up 60 percent of our bodies. Water sustains not just life, but our societies and industries as well. Accordingly, our thirst...
Innovative Design Will Prevail in Addressing Climate Change, Resilience
Though much of the world has had a singular focus on the coronavirus pandemic this year, key lessons have been learnt about how to tackle other challenges, especially climate change. Sustainability and the efficient use of resources are hinged upon technology and innovation. But it is only through collaboration and mutually beneficial partnerships that this can be achieved.   Homegrown...
Living Smart and Sustainably
Making post-pandemic cities sustainable by design Entrepreneurs and their inventions have a role to play in shaping a more sustainable world in the wake of the pandemic, said experts at TechInnovation 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly changed the way we live. Remote work is no longer an exception but the norm for most. We stay home more than ever...
Smart Cities, Smart Nations: Singapore Poised to Offer Launchpad for Start-up Innovators
While cities occupy just 2% of the earth’s land mass, they house more than half of the world’s population. The global urbanisation rate will increase from 54% to 66% in 2050, according to the United Nations. ASEAN is urbanising at a rapid pace and its reliance on cities as a source of growth is set to increase in the next...