Innovation Marketplace


Co-create solutions for today's market needs

Supporting our partners in their innovation challenges across multiple sectors, we open avenues for start-ups, enterprises and researchers to co-innovate with leading corporates and government organisations. Innovators with the right solutions can engage in co-development, test-bedding and bring their ideas to market.

HDB Call for Proposals: Enhancing Construction Productivity
Under the Cool Ideas Enterprise programme, HDB is calling for proposals that can increase productivity and reduce manpower at construction sites and off-site facilities (e.g. precast yards), through the development and adoption of mechanisation, automation and digital solutions.  
Xcite 2022 Innovation Call
Land Transport Authority (LTA) and Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG) seek innovative solutions to help enhance productivity and efficiency in transport operations and maintenance.
JTC Innovation Challenge 2022
JTC has committed $4million for the JTC Innovation Challenge to seek innovative solutions to operational challenges in the built environment faced by JTC and the public sector. If successfully developed, there is intention to pilot/deploy these co-developed solutions into JTC estates and projects, pushing for adoption into the industry.
Jurong Island Renewable Energy RFP Launch
Jointly launched by EMA and JTC, Jurong Island Renewable Energy RFP seeks to bring together the industry, academia and government agencies to develop and testbed new sustainability solutions on Jurong Island (JI) in the areas of renewable energy generation, energy storage systems and low carbon solutions.
TechInnovation Challenge
Crowdsourcing @ TechInnovation 2021 is a unique open innovation platform for large corporations to engage the innovation communities and seek technology solutions and partnerships to solve business challenges.  
Xcite Innovation Call
As part of their joint initiatives on co-innovation with the industry, Land Transport Authority (LTA) and Enterprise Singapore (ESG) seek innovative solutions to help enhance productivity and efficiency in transport operations and maintenance.
Abu Dhabi – Singapore Smart Cities Open Innovation Challenge
Abu Dhabi – Singapore Smart Cities Open Innovation Challenge
National Environment Agency and Enterprise Singapore have jointly launched a Grant Call under the Gov-PACT initiative, to encourage greater use of technology and automation, and raise productivity for the collection and pre-processing of soiled crockery for both offsite and onsite centralised dishwashing at hawker centres, food courts and F&B establishments.
Sustainability Open Innovation Challenge - Industry
The track calls for startups, SMEs, IHLs and RIs to tackle sectoral challenges for adoption at scale across the industry. This track is featured as part of the National Innovation Challenges. Each challenge statement will be allocated up to S$2,000,000 in co-funding grant support from prototype, deployment to adoption.