Warehouse Robot-Agnostic Controller


Logistics - Inventory Management


With increasing reliance on robots within 4 walled environments for picking and the like, the task of the robotics fleet has increased significantly in difficulty. Traditional robotics fleet management systems are system-dependent and do not account for dynamic changes on the ground.

This technology offer presents a robot agnostic system that allows for superior fleet optimization for warehouse robots in route planning, job allocation and decision making in potential gridlock situations. With past applications for fleets of 2 to over 100 robots in size in warehouses carrying fast-moving items to semiconductor manufacturing facilities, the robot controller has outperformed OEM robot fleet management software in excess of 40% in total job-completion times. Additional simulation function of the robot controller allows non-robot and robot users alike to determine how many robots to purchase for their fleet according to layout and volumes of current and future facility.


Robot agnostic controller software integrates into a traditional robotics fleet manager that optimizes current functions such as path planning, job assignment, fleet charging and pick operations. Additional features that arise from our robot agnostic controller include real-time dynamic re-planning of paths, dynamic re-assignment of jobs, deadlock-free movements of robotics fleet of up to 100 robots and flexible configurations with other complementary software. Additional simulation capabilities determine the suitable number of robots for any new or pre-existing deployment. Suitable for use for human-robot operations or full robotics fleet operations. Suitable for integration into various robotics fleet manager platforms and across different robotics fleets interacting with one another in the same environment.


Robotic fleets within manufacturing and logistics environment that require human-robot interactions and different robot-to-robot interaction. Optimizes dynamic high material flow environment with constant activity e.g. 24-hour operations in an e-commerce fulfillment facility or semiconductor manufacturing facility.

Market Trends & Opportunities

Increasing shift to robots complementing labor-intensive tasks such as picking or transportation within manufacturing facilities. Increasing need to have integration between robots of different purposes and makes within the same environment in order to create seamless interaction and management, especially in the e-commerce facility with constant flow and increasing time spent on picking operations. Complements any business looking to move towards autonomous or sem-autonomous operations that will allow for greater throughput.

Unique Value Proposition

Optimized robotics fleet management that is robotic-agnostic rather than software agnostic. Allows for the execution of real-time and dynamic reallocation of jobs and paths for robots specific to individual robot. Robot agnostic software allows for independent manuvering of robots based on their real-time situation instead of pre-planned routes i.e. in the event of unexpected occurrences like breakdowns, allowing for a deadlock free environment. Simulation function allows you to make informed purchase and operational decisions on how many robots is required for current and future operations, reducing over-expenditure on high capital expenses and errors, while ensuring absolute visibility on number of robots required at any level of operations, ensuring optimal resource allocation towards the fleet.

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