
With temperatures rising due to climate change, Singapore will experience hotter weather in the future. Much of Singapore’s land is covered with buildings and infrastructure, which retain and produce additional heat and adds to the urban heat island effect. The resulting increased use of air-conditioning further contributes to domestic carbon emissions.

HDB is seeking solutions to mitigate the urban heat island effect, particularly for HDB estates, while keeping energy consumption to a minimum or at net zero increment from today (e.g. using solar-powered sources).


  • Ambient temperature should be reduced by at least 1ºC (measurement to be taken before and after implementing solution, using appropriate sensor).
  • Comply with existing building standards and regulations, as well as fire safety standards.
  • Applicable to brown field and green field development.
  • Solution should be easy to deploy and maintain, and implementable in HDB estates.
  • Solution should require minimum energy to operate.
  • Proposals should include information on any proof-of-concept (POC)/minimum viable product (MVP) that is non-sensitive.
  • Applicant should indicate estimated commercial price of solution, cost of operation/maintenance and cost-benefit analysis of the solution in the proposal.

Besides addressing the above requirements, the proposed solution should also fulfil the following criteria:

  • Not be readily or commercially available in the market
  • Result in the creation of new IP
  • Wherever applicable, aim to:
    • Achieve cost-effectiveness; and/or
    • Improve efficiency/productivity.

Development Timeframe

The solution should ideally be deployable immediately as a pilot or with minimal additional development within a timeframe of no more than 2 years.

Additional Info

HDB will provide mentorship and test-bedding opportunities at the HDB Centre of Building Research.


Sustainability Open Innovation Challenge 2019


Housing & Development Board (HDB)

Proposal submissions are open from 2 Jan 2020 12:00AM to 14 Feb 2020 12:00AM